PowerSchool Parent Portal

The PowerSchool Parent Portal is now available to parents in grades 5-12! The portal is an excellent tool to view your child's schedule, and access updated grades and attendance throughout the year.
To access this information, you will need a PowerSchool account, and to connect that account to the ID and password associated with each of your children. Letters with ID and password information were sent out to parents of all students who have not previously received this information. If you do not have your access ID and password, please email [email protected] to get this information.
If you do not currently have an account, you can find instructions to set one up here.
If you already have an account and you need to connect another child with that account, you can find instructions to do so here.
If you have not previously set up an account and do not have your child's ID and password information, please email the office ([email protected]).
If you previously set up your account and don’t know your password, there is a link on the login page to recover forgotten passwords.
The link to access the parent portal is https://pics.powerschool.com/public/ or you can always access it through the QuickLinks tab on the School Website Homepage.
If you have any questions, please contact the office, we would be happy to help you set this up!