Important Reminders and Expectations
Students are expected to:
- Be present and punctual
- Work hard and use their gifts in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord
- Be responsible and take responsibility for themselves
- Focus on learning
- Respect the learning environment for themselves and others
Communication Tools
Microsoft Teams- used by teachers in Grades 5-12 to distribute information to students and post key materials/assignments
Powerschool Parent Portal - used by teachers to report assessment data. Information is live for students and parents in Grades 5-12. Parent Portal Access information will be coming soon for Grade 5 students, and any other students in 5-12 who are new to PICS. If you need help accessing this, please reach out to the office.
Website- used by teachers in K-8 to post key information and assignments for parents to view. Teachers will update their class page (found under members tab) regularly.-used by the office to communicate important information such as the calendar, school handbooks, and school programming.
Weekly Newsletter- used by office staff to keep membership and parents informed of upcoming events and important information about school operations.
Personal Device Policy
Cell phones should be 'away for the day'. We would like students to put devices away when they arrive at school from 8 a.m. onwards. This applies to our dress expectations as well. Full information on both policies can be found in the school handbook.